After Six's 70s frilled shirt. It was a good size and I am 175cm slim and fit perfectly. It is in good condition and there is a stain on the back of the neck, but it does not affect the wearability. I think there are few white ones in good condition.
after Sixの70sフリルシャツです。 サイズもいいサイズで175cm細身でジャストサイズで着れました。 状態も良く首の裏側にシミがありますが、着用に影響はありません。 白で状態のいいものは少ないと思います。
After Six's 70s frilled shirt.
It was a good size and I am 175cm slim and fit perfectly.
It is in good condition and there is a stain on the back of the neck, but it does not affect the wearability.
I think there are few white ones in good condition.
after Sixの70sフリルシャツです。