Lenel LNL-1300 Single Reader Interface Module for Access Control
The high-performance LNL-1300 is an ideal choice for a compact and economical single-card reader interface panel. It is RS-485 connected and can be clustered or distributed depending on the installation requirements. The board is easy to install and supports Wiegand, clock and data, magnetic stripe, F2F, Supervised F2F, OSDP, keypad and biometrics reader technologies. 全国送料無料!海外在庫商品の為、お届けまでに通常10−20日程お時間を頂いております。税関にて開封される場合がございますが、ご了承ください。海外から輸送中に外箱等に、若干のイタミなどが生じる場合もございますが、商品に問題はございません。どうかご了承ください。
The high-performance LNL-1300 is an ideal choice for a compact and economical single-card reader interface panel. It is RS-485 connected and can be clustered or distributed depending on the installation requirements. The board is easy to install and supports Wiegand, clock and data, magnetic stripe, F2F, Supervised F2F, OSDP, keypad and biometrics reader technologies.